Don’t Blame Yourself; Retirement Crisis Stems from Bad Policies Not Bad Habits(Thursday)
  • Bloomberg Business: Short of Workers and Consumers, China Abandons One-Child Policy (Thursday)
  • Wall Street Journal: Fed Keeps December Rate Hike in Play (Wednesday)
  • Forbes: Examining Plummeting Obamacare Enrollment Projections (Monday)
  • Wall Street Journal: The Fed Has Hurt Business Investment(Monday)

    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Personal Income and Outlays (September)



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators


    Chart of the Week: 

    Mandatory Spending

    The chart above shows the share of mandatory spending, including interest on the debt (in shades of red), and discretionary spending, as a share of total revenue for 2015, and ten years hence, in 2025. As is shown, mandatory spending and debt interest together consume 77% of revenue in 2015 and 92% of revenue in 2025. Based on current CBO projections, adding discretionary spending would exceed revenue in both of the selected years, and by an even greater amount in 2025.

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    Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

    Weekly Economic Update: November 2 - 6, 2015

    Weekly Economic Update: November 2 - 6, 2015


    News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Personal Income and Outlays (September)

    • Personal Income (change M/M): $18.6 billion,% Change: 0.1%
    • Consumer Spending (change M/M): $15.6 billion, % Change:0.1%
    • PCE Price Index: -0.1%, Year-on-year: 0.2%
    • Core PCE Price Index: 0.1%, Year-on-year: 1.3%
    • Noteworthy: Wages and salaries decreased $3.7 billion in September, and in particular, private wages and salaries decreased $7.0 billion. Supplements to wages and salaries increased $3.3 billion.



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators


    Chart of the Week: 

    Mandatory Spending

    The chart above shows the share of mandatory spending, including interest on the debt (in shades of red), and discretionary spending, as a share of total revenue for 2015, and ten years hence, in 2025. As is shown, mandatory spending and debt interest together consume 77% of revenue in 2015 and 92% of revenue in 2025. Based on current CBO projections, adding discretionary spending would exceed revenue in both of the selected years, and by an even greater amount in 2025.

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