Why Have So Many Men Stopped Working? (Friday)
  • Wall Street Journal: For Budget Analysis, Don’t Fear Dynamic Scoring, Says Former CBO Chief (Thursday)
  • Market Watch: China to Roll Out ‘More Forceful’ Fiscal Policy (Wednesday)
  • Forbes: Public Pensions Lower Return Assumptions, But Taking More Risk (Tuesday)
  • Market Watch: Fed Weighs Global Gloom vs. Brighter U.S. Economy as Key Rate Decision Looms (Tuesday)

    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS, July)



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators




    Chart of the Week:

    Num of FT Workers Finally Surpasses Pre-Recession High

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    Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

    Weekly Economic Update: September 14 - 18, 2015

    Weekly Economic Update: September 14 - 18, 2015


    News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS, July)

    • Job openings: 5.753 million
    • Hires:  4.983 million
    • Separations (quits, layoffs, discharges): 4.716 million
    • Noteworthy: Job openings jumped to a new series record and exceeded hires for the sixth consecutive month. Among separations, there were 2.7 million quits and 1.6 million layoffs and discharges.



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators




    Chart of the Week:

    Num of FT Workers Finally Surpasses Pre-Recession High

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