The Fed Stands Pat – And So Will the Economy (Thursday)
  • New York Times: Why Americans Still Think the Economy Is Terrible (Wednesday)
  • Wall Street Journal: Who’s in Poverty? The Census Bureau’s Getting Better at Telling Us (Tuesday)
  • Investor’s Business Daily: Obamacare’s Glaring Weakness Is Reliance on Young to Finance It (Monday)
  • National Review: The Biggest Problem with Student Loans (Sunday)

    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Consumer Price Index (August)



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators


    Chart of the Week: 

    Real Median Family and HH Income

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    Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

    Weekly Economic Update: September 21-25, 2015

    Weekly Economic Update: September 21-25, 2015


    News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Consumer Price Index (August)

    • Change from previous month: -0.1%
    • Change less food & energy (M/M): 0.1%
    • Noteworthy: The gasoline index fell sharply in August and was the main cause of the CPI decrease. The fuel oil index declined again, but the electricity and natural gas indexes increased. The headline index rose 0.2% over the last 12 months, unadjusted. Core CPI (less food and energy) increased 1.8% over the past 12 months, also unadjusted.
    • Series Detail: The CPI is a collection of indexes that measures the average change in consumer prices over time for a fixed basket of goods and services from the perspective of the consumer, whereas the producer price index for final demand (PPI-FD) measures price changes from the producer’s perspective.



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators


    Chart of the Week: 

    Real Median Family and HH Income

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