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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: July 25 – July 29, 2016

Weekly Economic Update: July 25 – July 29, 2016


News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

New Residential Construction (June 2016)

  • Building permits: 1,153,000 (seasonally adjusted annual rate) building permits for privately-owned housing units were granted for June. This is a 1.5% increase relative to May, but 13.6% below the June 2015 estimate.
  • Housing starts: There were 1,189,000 (seasonally adjusted annual rate) privately-owned housing starts in June. This is a 4.8% increase from May’s revised number, but 2% below June 2015’s numbers.
  • Noteworthy: According to the Wall Street Journal: “New applications for building permits, a bellwether for forthcoming construction, rose 1.5% to 1.153 million, from a downwardly revised May figure. Permits have lagged behind housing starts since February, which some fear could signal weakness in the housing market going forward.”


JEC Releases:



Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

Major Indicators


Reports and Releases:


Chart of the Week:


This chart shows nominal GDP (NGDP) per household, which is an estimate of the average American household’s annual income. Prior to 2008, NGDP tended to closely follow its trend. Post-2008 there is an immense gap. Cumulatively, from 2008 to 2015, the average American household is missing $180,282 of income ($23,535 per year). Rather than using the normal “real” (inflation-adjusted) GDP measurement, a calculation based on nominal (current-dollar) GDP is useful because the bills families face are stated in current dollars, such as mortgages, college loans, car payments, etc. These costs would be more bearable without the average loss of $23,535 per household each year since 2008.


On a per capita basis, the cumulative gap per American is $65,230 ($8,154 average per year).


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