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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: August 8 – August 12, 2016

Weekly Economic Update: August 8 – August 12, 2016

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News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

Employment Situation (July 2016)

  • Unemployment rate: July: 4.9%; June: 4.9%; May: 4.7%.
  • Nonfarm payroll job growth: July: 255,000; June (second estimate): 292,000; May (third estimate): 24,000
  • Noteworthy: According to the BLS July employment report, the number of persons unemployed for less than 5 weeks decreased by 258,000, while the number of long-term unemployed (without work for 27 weeks or more) remained unchanged at 2.0 million. The latter represents 26.6% of those unemployed, compared to the pre-recession average of 14%.


JEC Releases:





Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

Major Indicators


Chart of the Week



America has the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world, but some argue our companies pay much more competitive effective tax rates after various tax breaks. This chart shows the effective tax rate on businesses in the world’s wealthiest nations* in 2015. The rate measures the amount of taxes and mandatory contributions paid by businesses after allowing for deductions and exemptions in proportion to business profits. It does not include any related personal income taxes, value-added taxes, sales taxes, or excise taxes.


The United States ranks number eight of the world’s wealthiest twenty-nine nations. We tie with Tanzania as the nation with the fifty-fifth highest rank of the 169 nations for which data was available. Notably, Canada’s rate is half ours.


Reforming our outdated tax code is necessary for the United States to reignite the engine of economic and job growth.


*The “wealthiest nations” are those with a 2015 natural logarithmic real GDP per capita at least one standard deviation above the average natural logarithm of real GDP per capita for the 169 nations with data available for 2015.

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