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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: January 30 – February 3, 2017

Weekly Economic Update: January 30 – February 3, 2017




During the Obama Administration, average annual growth was a meager 1.5%, less than half the 3.4% annual average during the 50 prior years.  The Congressional Budget Office forecasts that economic growth will continue to be modest without a change in policy direction.


The JEC Chairman, Representative Pat Tiberi, summed up the results well when he stated, “President Obama proved we can’t tax, spend, or regulate our way to a booming economy.”



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Top Economic Indicator Highlights

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)Fourth Quarter 2016 (First Estimate)
    • 2016 Real GDP (seasonally adjusted at annual rates): Q4: 1.9%, Q3: 3.5%, Q2: 1.4%, Q1: 0.8%
    • Noteworthy: Real GDP growth slowed substantially in the fourth quarter.  The slowdown was mostly the result of a decrease in exports and an increase in imports, which subtracts from GDP growth.  The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) had forecast a 2.6% growth rate for 2016 overall.  The actual overall 2016 growth rate was a lackluster 1.6%.


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