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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Weekly Economic Update: November 13 – November 17, 2017

As of the week ending November 3, domestic crude oil production reached a record high of 9.62 million barrels per day, despite worldwide crude oil prices falling about 50% since mid-2014. This achievement is the result of U.S. oil producers becoming more efficient at fracking.

Weekly Economic Update November 6 – November 10, 2017

The chart shows how the amount of capital—tools, equipment, and structures—available per hour worked, or “capital deepening,” in the United States has risen over time until 2009. Had private capital investment returned to trend after the 2008-09 recession, workers would have had over 13% more capita...

November FOMC Review

The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) unanimously decided to hold the federal funds rate target at 1.00-1.25%. The Fed sets monetary policy to satisfy its dual mandate to maximize employment and maintain price stability.

Jerome Powell: A Brief Introduction

On November 2, 2017, President Trump nominated Jerome “Jay” Powell, a current Federal Reserve Governor, to succeed Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, whose term as chair ends in February 2018. The new four-year appointment, which requires Senate confirmation, ends in 2022.

Weekly Economic Update: October 23 – October 27, 2017

This Chart of the Week indicates that many countries have eased product market regulations, but not the United States.

Weekly Economic Update: September 25 – September 29, 2017

This chart of the week shows why quantitative easing, which the Fed will begin to unwind in October, did not lead to inflation.

September FOMC Review

The FOMC kept the federal funds rate target range at 1.00-1.25%, as expected. Inflation remains below the Fed’s 2% target and is slowing, leading the Fed to pause after June’s rate hike. The FOMC announced that it will commence shrinking its balance sheet in October.

Weekly Economic Update: September 18 – September 22, 2017

This Chart of the Week highlights the ever-increasing tax complexity and how it can cause pronounced distortions.

Weekly Economic Update: August 28 – September 1, 2017

Featuring our Chart of the Week, the Weekly Economic Update previews the week ahead and reviews the previous week's headlines.

Weekly Economic Update:August 21 – August 25, 2017

The Weekly Update's Chart of the Week reveals that U.S. work participation declined more in the United States than in most developed countries since the 2007-2009 recession.