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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman


Women are Key to Regaining America’s Innovative Edge

Q3-2018 GDP Review

RGDP growth averaged 3.0% over the last six quarters compared to the Obama Administration’s 2.2% recovery average despite its predictions that faster growth was no longer attainable. Likewise, take-home pay (real disposable income—inflation-adjusted income after taxes) is growing faster. It has aver...

The Rise of American Wages and Incomes

September FOMC Review

The FOMC’s September statement, noted that “the labor market has continued to strengthen.” It also described economic activity, job gains, household spending and business investment as strong or growing strongly. Meanwhile, inflation remains at the Fed’s desired 2% rate. These outcomes indicate tax ...

The EU’s New Digital Trade War?

In the latest example of targeting U.S. technology firms, the European Commission (EC) has accused Google of using its Android Operating System (OS) to prevent the use of other search engines. However, the EC has provided little evidence that Google has market dominance or consumers have been harmed...

The Truth About Medicare and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Both the 2018 Medicare Trustees Report and the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) project an insolvency date of 2026 for the Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund. It’s time to separate fact from fiction on whether the trust fund is in better or worse shape due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJ...

The Fed and the “Goldilocks” Economy

GDP growth has recovered to its historical average, job growth is strong, unemployment low, and inflation moderate—a scenario New York Federal Reserve Bank President John Williams has described as a “Goldilocks economy.”

Pro-Growth Policies Create More Jobs

The upward revisions of Congressional Budget Office (CBO) job creation projections for 2018 and the even higher actual average so far this year show the positive impact of pro-growth policies. The first three bars in the chart show the date CBO published its projections (assuming then-current law re...

Democrats Want to Spend $42.5 Trillion More

The policies Democrats want to implement would cost $42.5 trillion over the next decade according to Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute, who calculates that an 87% value-added tax (VAT) would be needed—on top of existing taxes—to pay for Democrats’ plans. Furthermore, such a new tax would still ...

July 2018 Jobs Review

This employment report shows the U.S. economy is continuing to gain strength. Though job creation was dampened by the bankruptcy of Toys ‘R’ Us, BLS found that in May and June, 59,000 more jobs were created than was estimated earlier.