WASHINGTON--Joint Economic Committee Chairman Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., gave the following statement in reaction to the release of the March 2018 Jobs Report:

"While job growth came in below expectations, we must remember that last month’s job gain was extraordinarily high. We are averaging 214,000 more jobs for February and March and the employment-to-population ratio held steady. The unemployment rate has remained stable at 4.1% for 6 months now, the lowest since 2000. Meanwhile average hourly earnings continue their upward trend.

"Economic fundamentals remain strong because common-sense pro-growth policies like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are having positive effects for American workers. Businesses are more confident and investing more. By continuing to reduce the burdens on American workers and job creators, we can encourage the economy’s momentum."

According to the Labor Department, the economy added 103,000 jobs in March, down from 326,000 in February. Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, up from 2.6 percent in February. 

The economy added 103,000 jobs in March, the Labor Department reported today, down from 326,000 in February.
Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, up slightly from 2.6 percent in February. The unemployment rate was 4.1 percent, unchanged for the sixth consecutive month.
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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Chairman Paulsen Reacts to March Jobs Numbers

"Common-sense pro-growth policies like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are having positive effects for American workers."

Chairman Paulsen Reacts to March Jobs Numbers

"Common-sense pro-growth policies like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are having positive effects for American workers."

April 6, 2018
Media Contact: J.P. Freire--(202) 225-0371

Chairman Paulsen Reacts to March Jobs Numbers

"Common-sense pro-growth policies like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are having positive effects for American workers."

WASHINGTON--Joint Economic Committee Chairman Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., gave the following statement in reaction to the release of the March 2018 Jobs Report:

"While job growth came in below expectations, we must remember that last month’s job gain was extraordinarily high. We are averaging 214,000 more jobs for February and March and the employment-to-population ratio held steady. The unemployment rate has remained stable at 4.1% for 6 months now, the lowest since 2000. Meanwhile average hourly earnings continue their upward trend.

"Economic fundamentals remain strong because common-sense pro-growth policies like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are having positive effects for American workers. Businesses are more confident and investing more. By continuing to reduce the burdens on American workers and job creators, we can encourage the economy’s momentum."

According to the Labor Department, the economy added 103,000 jobs in March, down from 326,000 in February. Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, up from 2.6 percent in February. 

The economy added 103,000 jobs in March, the Labor Department reported today, down from 326,000 in February.
Average hourly private-sector earnings were up 2.7 percent over the previous year, up slightly from 2.6 percent in February. The unemployment rate was 4.1 percent, unchanged for the sixth consecutive month.

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