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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Tiberi Statement on December Jobs Report

Tiberi Statement on December Jobs Report

U. S. Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH), chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, today issued the following statement regarding the employment report for December 2017 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:


“We begin 2018 on more solid economic footing than was anticipated a year ago. The economy added 2.1 million jobs, the unemployment rate fell to 4.1 percent, the stock market reached a new high, and we enacted a tax overhaul that boosts our economic potential.


“Major employers have announced bonuses or salary increases prompted by the enactment of tax reform, a sign of growing confidence in the economy. Americans will be able to keep more of their hard-earned money and employers are encouraged to expand their businesses. Congress and the administration will continue to roll back stifling Obama-era regulations. After years of limited growth, Americans are beginning to see the kind of growth and economic strength they deserve.”


Note: Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the U.S. economy gained 148,000 nonfarm payroll jobs in December and the unemployment rate remained at 4.1 percent. 

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