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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: July 24 – July 28, 2017

Weekly Economic Update: July 24 – July 28, 2017

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Loss of GDP from Lower Employment


Estimated U.S. Real GDP If Employment Recovery Matched U.K.


Last week’s chart showed how U.S. employment compared with that of the U.K. since the recession. Had U.S. employment recovered as fast as the U.K.'s, U.S. real GDP would have been $700 billion higher in 2016 alone, and annual growth would have averaged about 2.6% during the recovery instead of 2.1%. Policies to foster business investment and dynamism would have increased growth further, and released more of America’s economic potential, which the previous administration’s policies constrained.



News & Commentary Weekly Highlights

Hoover Institution: On the Prospects for Higher Economic Growth (by John Cogan, Glenn Hubbard, John Taylor, and Kevin Warsh)

MarketWatch: What Mexico and Canada want from the NAFTA renegotiation

Wall Street Journal: Fed Faces Inflation Conundrum

Wall Street Journal: Markets to Fed: Please Leave Us Alone


Top Economic Indicator Highlights

New Residential Construction (June, seasonally adjusted at annual rates, thousands of units)


                                                Jun-2017        May-2017        Apr-2017         Jun-2016

                                                preliminary      revised            final                 last year

Building permits                      1,254               1,168               1,228               1,193

Housing starts                         1,215               1,122               1,144               1,190

Housing completions              1,203               1,144               1,098               1,113


Noteworthy: Since 2011, the sluggish, but upward, march of new residential construction goes on. Newly issued building permits, starts, and completions are now comparable to what they were in the early 1990s but remain nearly half of what they were in the mid-2000s.


JEC Releases

June State Employment Data

5 Takeaways from the Social Security and Medicare Trustees Report

JEC Explores a Record Number of Job Vacancies



Upcoming Economic Data and Events


Existing Home Sales (10:00am)



Philly Fed Non-Manufacturing Survey (8:30am)

Consumer Confidence Index (10:00am)

Richmond Fed Survey (10:00am)



New Residential Sales (10:00am)

Federal Reserve FOMC Meeting Statement (2:00pm)



Revised Building Permits (8:00am)

Advance Durable Goods (8:30am)

Advance Economic Indicators (8:30am)

Chicago Fed National Activity Index (8:30am)



Gross Domestic Product (Advance Estimate) (8:30am)

Employment Cost Index (8:30am)

Michigan Consumer Sentiment (10:00am)

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