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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: April 17 - April 21, 2017

Weekly Economic Update: April 17 - April 21, 2017

CHART OF THE WEEK: Tax Compliance Burdens the Economy

It took an estimated 8.9 billion hours to comply with IRS tax filing requirements in 2016 (the equivalent of 4.3 million full-time employees working solely on tax paperwork). Overall, filing 2016’s taxes cost Americans a projected $409 billion. The first 9 items in the chart account for over 90% of federal tax compliance costs. Compliance costs for individual tax filings, for example, was $99 billion in 2016. The compliance cost of 41 other federal tax items are captured in the “all other taxes” category.

More details and the data shown in the chart can be found in the Tax Foundation’s report.



News & Commentary Weekly Highlights

Wall Street Journal: How Technology Liberates Human Capital

Washington Post: Are living standards truly stagnant?

Wall Street Journal: Fed’s Janet Yellen Says Era of Stimulative Monetary Policy Is Ending

Forbes: Trump Lays Groundwork for Federal Government Reorganization



Top Economic Indicator Highlights

Atlanta Fed Business Inflation Expectations Survey

This survey measures how much businesses expect prices to rise over the next year.


April: 1.9%       March: 2.1%   February: 2.0%


Noteworthy: Since this survey began in 2011, the period after November 2016 is the first time inflation expectations have averaged 2%. Previously, inflation expectations were consistently below 2%. Although the Fed does not use this specific survey to determine whether its objective of 2% average inflation is being met, these results may signal that inflation trends will continue to push the Fed to increase interest rates to more “normal” levels.


JEC Releases

The Myth of the ‘Senior Tax’: Why Seniors Benefit from Fixing Obamacare’s Millennial Penalty

The Invisible Risk Pool: State Innovation at Work


“Ten-day count-down to Tax Day.” Each day we give an additional reason why we need tax reform:

#8: High capital gains taxes hurt job creation, pay raises, and economic growth

#7: American companies compete overseas with one hand tied behind their backs due to our worldwide tax system

#6: The U.S. corporate tax rate is the highest in the developed world

#5: Americans shouldn’t have to calculate taxes under two different tax systems  

#4: The tax code is too complex and costly

#3: We need fewer and flatter individual tax rates

#2: Small businesses need relief from higher tax rates

#1: America needs strong economic growth and prosperity



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Philly Fed Manufacturing Survey (8:30am)

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