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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: November 27 – December 1, 2017

Weekly Economic Update: November 27 – December 1, 2017



Paying Interest on Reserves Diminishes Private Banks’ Incentive to Lend


Canada's Bank Reserves and IOER Spread


Many central banks, such as the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve, pay interest on the excess reserves (IOER) maintained by private banks. When the Bank of Canada briefly set its IOER rate equal to its policy rate (a floor system) Canada’s ratio of excess reserves to private bank deposits skyrocketed. However, this reversed upon resetting its IOER rate below its policy rate (a corridor system). When central banks set their IOER rate below their policy rate banks choose to hold few excess reserves preferring instead to lend these funds at relatively higher interest rates.

In the United States, the Federal Reserve has set its IOER rate equal to (or higher than) the fed funds rate since December of 2008. Between 2002 and 2007, banks maintained only $1.7 billion of excess reserves. As of October 2017, they now hold $2,129 billion in excess reserve. 

The payment of interest on reserves will likely be a topic at this week’s hearing on the Economic Outlook with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. John Taylor has a short article discussing his rationale for setting IOER below the fed funds rate here.



News & Commentary Weekly Highlights

MarketWatch: Mortgage rates head lower ahead of big decisions from Fed, Congress

Bloomberg: Yes, a Corporate Tax Cut Would Increase Investment

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Wall Street Journal: Mugabe’s Reign Ushered In Zimbabwe’s Economic Decline


Top Economic Indicator Highlights

No Major Releases



Upcoming JEC Hearing

The Economic Outlook with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen (Wednesday, November 29 at 10:00am, Longworth House Office Building Room 1100)


Upcoming Economic Data


New Residential Sales (10:00am)

Dallas Fed Manufacturing Survey (10:30am)



Revised Building Permits (8:00am)

Advance Economic Indicators (8:30am)

Consumer Confidence Index (10:00am)

Philly Fed Manufacturing Survey (8:30am)

Dallas Fed Texas Retail Outlook Survey (10:30am)



Gross Domestic Product (Second Estimate) (8:30am)

Pending Home Sales (10:00am)

Federal Reserve Board of Governors Beige Book (2:00pm)



Personal Income/PCE Deflator (8:30am)

Chicago Purchasing Managers Index (9:45am)



Construction (10:00am)

ISM Manufacturing (10:00am)

Motor Vehicle Sales (4:00pm)

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