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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: October 30 – November 3, 2017

Weekly Economic Update: October 30 – November 3, 2017



More U.S. Profit Stays Abroad as Foreign Tax Rates Fall


OECD Tax Rates and Unrepatriates U.S. Earnings


As international corporate tax rates have fallen (blue line) U.S. businesses have been reinvesting an increasing proportion of their income abroad (red line). Consequently, U.S. wage growth no longer tracks corporate profit growth because more of it is abroad, according to research by the Council of Economic Advisers. Lowering the U.S. corporate tax rate and moving to a territorial tax system should bring more profits back and raise U.S. wages. The dip in 2005 occurred due to a temporary tax holiday that allowed businesses to repatriate their profits to the United States at a lower tax rate.



News & Commentary Weekly Highlights

Wall Street Journal: U.S. Economy Notches Solid 3% Growth, Despite Hurricanes

InsideSources: Trump Adviser Looks Toward Better Economic Growth

Wall Street Journal: The Wages of Corporate Taxes

Economics21: Return to Due Process at EPA


JEC Releases

GDP Review (Third Quarter 2017)

Tiberi: Tax and Regulatory Reform Can Boost Wage Growth

Tiberi: Removing Artificial Constraints on Economic Growth Will Help Restore Opportunity for All Americans

JEC Hearing: The Economic Outlook with CEA Chairman Kevin Hassett


Top Economic Indicator Highlights

Gross Domestic Product (Third Quarter 2017—Advance Estimate)


Real GDP, change from previous quarter at seasonally adjusted annualized rate:


Q3-2017: 3.0%           Q2-2017: 3.1%            Q1-2017: 1.2%            Q4-2016: 1.8%


Q3-2017 RGDP Growth, Contributions by Component


Noteworthy: Despite the devastation caused by hurricanes Harvey and Irma, U.S. real GDP growth proceeded robustly for the third quarter of 2017.



Upcoming Economic Data


Personal Income/PCE Deflator (8:30am)

Dallas Fed Manufacturing Survey (10:30am)



Employment Cost Index (8:30am)

Chicago Purchasing Managers Index (9:45am)

Consumer Confidence Index (10:00am)



ADP National Employment Report (8:15am)

Construction (10:00am)

ISM Manufacturing (10:00am)

Motor Vehicle Sales (4:00pm)

Federal Reserve FOMC Meeting Statement (2:00pm)



Productivity and Costs (8:30am)



Employment Situation (8:30am)

Trade Balance (8:30am)

ISM Non-Manufacturing (10:00am)

Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, & Orders (10:00am)


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