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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: July 11 – July 15, 2016

Weekly Economic Update: July 11 – July 15, 2016


News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

Employment Situation (June 2016)

  • Unemployment rate: June: 4.9%; May: 4.7%; April: 5.0%
  • Nonfarm payroll job growth: June: 287,000; May (second estimate): 11,000; April (third estimate): 144,000
  • Noteworthy: The 3 month average for job gains is 147,000; just barely above the 145,000 jobs estimated to absorb new entrants into the job market according to a Wall Street Journal survey of economists. The labor force participation rate was 62.7%, which is 3.0 percentage points below the level when the recovery started in June 2009.


JEC Releases:



Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

Major Indicators


Hearings, Reports, & Releases:


Chart of the Week:



This chart shows the average unemployment rate and average regulatory rank (closer to 1 means less regulation) for the 50 States between 2007 and 2011. States with more regulations tend to have higher unemployment rates.


The Regulatory Rank is derived from the Mercatus Center’s Freedom in the 50 States project. For example, if a state has a “certificate of need” requirement to open a new hospital, it would have a higher rank (more regulated) than a state that does not.


The index used to generate the regulatory rank depends on freedom from tort abuse, property right protection, health insurance freedom, labor market freedom, occupational licensing freedom, cable and telecom freedom, and miscellaneous.


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