The share of Americans in the workforce has fallen rapidly in recent years and is expected to continue declining.  This is not due simply to retiring baby boomers.  In fact, baby boomers are staying in the workforce longer than previous generations, while the share of people in their prime working years is lower now than when the recovery started.  The President’s policies have contributed to this downward trend.  For example, CBO projects the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2 million over the next decade.  Fewer people working is not only bad for their families and our economy.  It also worsens deficits through more reliance on government and fewer people paying taxes and financing programs like Medicare and Social Security.

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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Countdown to Release of President Obama's Budget: 4 Days Remaining

Will the President’s budget priorities encourage Americans to return to the workforce or be more of the same?

Countdown to Release of President Obama's Budget: 4 Days Remaining

Will the President’s budget priorities encourage Americans to return to the workforce or be more of the same?

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The share of Americans in the workforce has fallen rapidly in recent years and is expected to continue declining.  This is not due simply to retiring baby boomers.  In fact, baby boomers are staying in the workforce longer than previous generations, while the share of people in their prime working years is lower now than when the recovery started.  The President’s policies have contributed to this downward trend.  For example, CBO projects the Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by 2 million over the next decade.  Fewer people working is not only bad for their families and our economy.  It also worsens deficits through more reliance on government and fewer people paying taxes and financing programs like Medicare and Social Security.

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