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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Coats, Tiberi: Americans Deserve Better ‘Undeniable Results’

Coats, Tiberi: Americans Deserve Better ‘Undeniable Results’

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Joint Economic Committee Chairman, Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.), and Vice Chairman, Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH), today issued the following joint statement regarding the release of the Economic Report of the President:


“In his final economic report, President Obama said that his administration’s ‘efforts have yielded undeniable results.’ Unfortunately, those undeniable results include higher taxes, skyrocketing health care premiums and government mandates that make it harder to find and keep jobs. His legacy of more taxes, more regulation and more debt casts a shadow over our economy. Americans sent a clear message in last month’s election that this ‘new normal’ of slow growth and fewer opportunities isn’t working.


“With new leadership and a fresh approach, we hope that the Trump Administration and the next Congress will unleash the potential of the American economy by reforming our tax code, repealing and replacing Obamacare and cutting red tape.”


The Joint Economic Committee will publish a formal response to the Economic Report of the President in the new Congress when Congressman Tiberi will assume the chairmanship of the committee. Senator Coats will conclude his service in the Senate at the end of this Congress.


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