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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Weekly Economic Update: November 21 – November 25, 2016

Weekly Economic Update: November 21 – November 25, 2016



Japan has been stuck in a “New Normal” of dismal economic growth since 1991.  Keynesian economists’ claims that higher government spending would stimulate growth did not translate into reality.  Despite increased deficit spending over the last quarter century (measured by the deficit-to-GDP ratio), its growth rate remains relatively flat.



News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

  • Consumer Price Index (October 2016, percentage change from last year)
    • CPI: October: 1.6%, September: 1.5%, August: 1.1%
    • Core CPI (excludes food and energy prices): October: 2.1%, September: 2.2%, August: 2.3%
    • Noteworthy: The CPI was driven upward by rising energy prices. Food prices remained unchanged. Upward pressure on the CPI and core CPI was attributed to price increases in housing, motor vehicle insurance, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, apparel, household furnishings, new vehicles, and education. Downward pressure on prices came from goods and services related to recreation, personal care, used cars and trucks, airline fares, and communications.


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