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    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Employment Situation (August 2015)

    Household Survey

    Establishment Survey



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators


    Chart of the Week:

    Construction Spending Hits Post-Recession High

    Total construction spending hit a new post-recession high in July, rising 0.7% over the month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.083 trillion, boosted by spending in recent months and is the highest since May 2008.

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    Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

    Weekly Economic Update: September 7-11, 2015

    Weekly Economic Update: September 7-11, 2015


    News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Employment Situation (August 2015)

    Household Survey

    • Unemployment rate: 5.1%
    • Long-term unemployed (% of unemployed): 27.7%
    • Labor force participation rate: 62.6%
    • Employment-to-population ratio: 59.4%

    Establishment Survey

    • Nonfarm payroll jobs: 173,000
    • Private payrolls: 140,000
    • Average workweek: 34.6 hours
    • Largest industry sector decrease (by level): Manufacturing (-0.1%, -17,000)
    • Largest industry sector increase (by level): Health care and social assistance (+0.3%, +56,000)
    •  Noteworthy: In the household survey, the long-term unemployed as a share of the unemployed ticked up 0.8 percentage point from 26.9%. The labor force participation rate remained at a post-recession low for the third consecutive month. The establishment survey’s nonfarm payrolls for June and July were revised up. June nonfarm payrolls were revised to 245,000 jobs added from 231,000; July nonfarm payrolls were revised up to 245,000 from 215,000.



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators


    Chart of the Week:

    Construction Spending Hits Post-Recession High

    Total construction spending hit a new post-recession high in July, rising 0.7% over the month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1.083 trillion, boosted by spending in recent months and is the highest since May 2008.

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