Will They or Won’t They? The FOMC Is Barely Trying Anymore (Friday)
  • Wall Street Journal: Enrollment in Student-Debt Relief Plans Surges (Thursday)
  • Forbes: Why China’s Devaluation, While Small, Is Bad News for the Global Economy (Wednesday)
  • Investor’s Business Daily: Is Economic Malaise of Obama Years Due to a Loss of Freedom? (Wednesday)
  • Wall Street Journal: U.S. Lacks Ammo for Next Economic Crisis (Monday)

    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Consumer Price Index (July)



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators


    Chart of the Week: 

    Real Disposable Personal Income per Capita Revised Lower

    The chart above provides a comparison of the pre-revised data on real personal disposable income per capita and after the annual revisions completed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis are incorporated. As is shown, post-revision data indicate per capita real disposable personal income was slightly higher briefly in 2012 and significantly lower than previously estimated from January 2013 forward.

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    Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

    Weekly Economic Update: August 24-28, 2015

    Weekly Economic Update: August 24-28, 2015


    News & Commentary Weekly Highlights:


    Top Economic Indicator Highlights:

    Consumer Price Index (July)

    • Change from previous month: 0.1%
    • Change less food & energy (M/M): 0.1%
    • Noteworthy: The indexes for food and energy rose slightly in July, with the gasoline index more than offsetting the declines in other energy component indexes. The headline index rose 0.2% over the last 12 months, unadjusted. Core CPI (less food and energy) has increased 1.8% over the past 12 months.
    • Series Detail: The CPI is a collection of indexes that measures the average change in consumer prices over time for a fixed basket of goods and services from the perspective of the consumer, whereas the producer price index for final demand (PPI-FD) measures price changes from the producer’s perspective.



    Upcoming Economic Reports & Releases:

    Major Indicators


    Chart of the Week: 

    Real Disposable Personal Income per Capita Revised Lower

    The chart above provides a comparison of the pre-revised data on real personal disposable income per capita and after the annual revisions completed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis are incorporated. As is shown, post-revision data indicate per capita real disposable personal income was slightly higher briefly in 2012 and significantly lower than previously estimated from January 2013 forward.

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