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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Obama Recovery Continues to Disappoint

Brady calls Jobs Report “A Step Backward”

Obama Recovery Continues to Disappoint

Brady calls Jobs Report “A Step Backward”

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Rep. Kevin Brady, Chairman of the Congressional Joint Economic Committee commented on today’s employment situation report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) that the economy added 142,000 nonfarm payroll jobs (134,000 in the private sector) and the unemployment rate declined to 6.1% during the month of August.

“The White House can continue to hype the recovery all it wants. The fact is that today’s disappointing jobs report represents a step backward. The private sector jobs gap of the Obama recovery compared to an average recovery stands at 5.9 million when measured from the end of the recession. To close that gap by the end of President Obama’s term, the economy needs to add more than 380,000 private sector jobs each and every month. That’s something this recovery has not managed on even a single occasion,” Brady said.

“As Americans, we can’t accept this President’s definition of economic recovery. After more than five years, it’s pretty obvious that the Obama Administration’s economic policies haven’t delivered for middle class America. The recovery might be going just fine on Wall Street, but most Americans have waited too long for it to come to their street,” Brady added.

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