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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Hearing Announcement: Empowerment in the Workplace

Hearing Announcement: Empowerment in the Workplace

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A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on Wednesday, June 18, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. in room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building.




  • Ms. Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Senior Fellow and Director, Economics 21, Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, Washington, DC


  • Dr. Barbara Gault, Vice President and Executive Director, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, Washington, DC


  • Ms. Rachel Greszler, Senior Policy Analyst, Economics and Entitlements, Center for Data Analysis, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC


  • Dr. Heidi Shierholz, Economist, Economic Policy Institute, Washington, DC


Chairman Kevin Brady presiding.

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