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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Job Creation Still Too Slow

Uncertainty takes toll on job growth

Job Creation Still Too Slow

Uncertainty takes toll on job growth

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Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman and incoming Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, called today’s news that the U.S. economy added 146,000 nonfarm payroll jobs, including 147,000 private payroll jobs, during November “unimpressive.” He noted that after all the administration’s proclamations that the economy was steadily improving, “the unemployment rate remains too high. And today’s small decline in the unemployment rate was driven by people dropping out of the workforce.”

“While Hurricane Sandy certainly had some effect on today’s report, the fact remains that job creation during the current recovery has been anemic,” the Congressman stated. “At the present rate of private payroll job growth, it will take another 23 months to return to the number of private payroll jobs that we had in January 2008, the pre-recession peak.”

Brady concluded, “The President’s insistence on hiking taxes on job creators even more and the growing uncertainty over ObamaCare and the resolution of the fiscal cliff will likely result in continuing lackluster job growth and eventual job losses in the private sector. The President needs to drop his ideological crusade against success and help get the economy moving more quickly.”

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