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Time to Put America Back to Work

“Focus on growing the economy is imperative,” says Brady

Time to Put America Back to Work

“Focus on growing the economy is imperative,” says Brady

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Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX), Vice Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, today made the following comments regarding the President’s statement on the fiscal cliff.

“Stronger economic growth will do more to create jobs, increase family incomes, and slash the federal budget deficit than any tax increase or new government spending program, “ Brady said.

“The election is over. Now Congress and President Obama should focus on getting Americans back to work.”

“As we address the looming fiscal cliff, we must avoid any action that would hamper economic growth. Instead, we must accelerate growth. This “slow and low flying” recovery remains the weakest on record since World War II. Real GDP is $1.2 trillion lower than it would be if this recovery had just been average. Strong private sector growth would generate the tax revenues under current rates to reduce our budget deficit substantially. Let’s focus on growing the pie, instead of on how we divide it.”

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