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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Obama "Part-Time" Recovery Still Last After September Jobs Report

Private Sector Job Creation Remains Anemic, Unemployment Rate Drop Largely a Mirage

Obama "Part-Time" Recovery Still Last After September Jobs Report

Private Sector Job Creation Remains Anemic, Unemployment Rate Drop Largely a Mirage

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Today, the BLS released its Employment Situation report for September 2012. The report showed a seasonally adjusted increase in nonfarm payrolls of 114,000. Private sector payrolls increased by 104,000, while government payrolls grew by 10,000. Yet, the "official" unemployment rate (U-3) declined to 7.8%. This marks the first time since January 2009 that the unemployment rate has dropped below 8.0%. Despite the drop in the official unemployment rate, the broader U-6 rate, often referred to as the "real unemployment rate", was unchanged at 14.7%. This study explores what is behind all the numbers.

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