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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Disappointing Second Quarter Numbers Shows America's Economy Still Lackluster

Statement of Vice Chairman Brady

Disappointing Second Quarter Numbers Shows America's Economy Still Lackluster

Statement of Vice Chairman Brady

Washington, DC -- U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady of Texas, the vice chairman and top Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, issued the following statement after a weak 1.3% growth rate in the Second Quarter.

"If White House leadership on the economy for the past three years had merely been adequate, America' s economy would be much stronger by now and Main Street would be adding hundreds of thousands of new jobs each month", said Brady. "The second quarter growth of  1.3% confirms a lackluster recovery and reinforces the urgent need for a new economic strategy from the President."

"Jettison the talk of new taxes, stem the tide of burdensome new regulation, block the implementation of ObamaCare and get America's financial house in order now. Those pro-growth policies will go a long way toward ending business uncertainty and turning on the flow of private business investment in America that creates jobs." 

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