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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

Balanced Budget? “No Way” Say Democrats

Rep. Brady, bill sponsor, calls on Washington to live within its means

Balanced Budget? “No Way” Say Democrats

Rep. Brady, bill sponsor, calls on Washington to live within its means

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Congressman Kevin Brady, of Texas, today voted in support of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Following the Congressman’s vote in support of the bill, which he has sponsored and long supported, Brady made the below remarks:

“Why do families and businesses have to live within their means, but not Washington?  The Balanced Budget Amendment places common-sense discipline on future presidents and Congress to control wasteful spending and will keep us financially sound.  Make no mistake; my goal is not to simply balance the budget, but to pay off America’s national debt – every dime.

“Can you imagine how much better financial shape America would be in today had the same balanced budget amendment had been enacted 15 years ago when it came so close to passage?   For the life of me I don’t understand why so many lawmakers in Washington keep coming up with excuses for not balancing our nation’s budget.”

The Balanced Budget Amendment required a two-thirds majority vote to pass, and ultimately failed in the House of Representatives by a vote of 261-165. A nearly identical to the version passed the House in 1995 by a vote of 300-132.

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