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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

September Job Losses "More of the Same"

Time to Change Policy-Makers in Washington, says House Economic Leader

September Job Losses "More of the Same"

Time to Change Policy-Makers in Washington, says House Economic Leader

Washington, DC --  While President Obama continues to deny the U.S. economy is in a jobless economy, the September unemployment rate stayed stagnant at 9.6% as 95,000 more American workers lost their jobs. 

"The economy isn't getting worse but it's not getting much better either, and that's not good enough," said U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (R-Texas), the top House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee. "The president is 'stuck on the stimulus' while Congress continues its job-killing agenda. How many more of these disappointing jobs reports will American workers tolerate before they demand a change in Washington?"

"The American public has lost confidence in the president's ability to handle the economy. So have job creators along Main Street," Brady added. "If the policy makers in the White House and Congress refuse to change their failed economic policies then perhaps it's time to change them. November is a good time to start."

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than fourteen months after the recovery officially began the unemployment rate is worse and 439,000 fewer workers hold jobs.

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