Marriage has been shown to have tremendous individual and societal benefits. Yet the Democrats’ proposed health care legislation would create new marriage penalties for both low- to moderate-income and upper-income individuals and families. These penalties can be so large in some cases that couples might forgo marriage in order to avoid thousands of dollars in new taxes.

Subsidies Discourage Marriage
On the lower end of the income scale, the subsidies provided in the bills to individuals and families to purchase health insurance contain severe marriage penalties, and these penalties come on top of those already present under today’s tax code.

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Representative David Schweikert - Vice Chairman

All the Wrong Incentives -- Part II

How Democrats’ Health Care Reform Proposals Would Harm Workers and Families

All the Wrong Incentives -- Part II

How Democrats’ Health Care Reform Proposals Would Harm Workers and Families


Marriage has been shown to have tremendous individual and societal benefits. Yet the Democrats’ proposed health care legislation would create new marriage penalties for both low- to moderate-income and upper-income individuals and families. These penalties can be so large in some cases that couples might forgo marriage in order to avoid thousands of dollars in new taxes.

Subsidies Discourage Marriage
On the lower end of the income scale, the subsidies provided in the bills to individuals and families to purchase health insurance contain severe marriage penalties, and these penalties come on top of those already present under today’s tax code.

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