Dr. Allan H. Meltzer,
                                    The Allan H. Meltzer University Professor of Political Economy,
                                    Carnegie Mellon University
                                    Pittsburgh, PA
                                    Mr. Chris Edwards, Director of Tax Policy Studies,
                                    Cato Institute
                                    Washington, DC                 
                                    Dr. Laurence Ball, Professor of Economics,
                                    Johns Hopkins University
                                    Baltimore, MD                   
WHEN:        10:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 20, 2011
WHERE:     210 Cannon House Office Building
Vice Chairman Kevin Brady presiding.

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JEC Hearing on “What is the Real Debt Limit?”

Hearing Announcement
            A hearing before the Joint Economic Committee will be held on
Tuesday, September 20, 2011, at 10:00 a.m., in room 210 of the Cannon House Office Building.
WHAT:         Hearing on “What is the Real Debt Limit?
WHO:                           Dr. Allan H. Meltzer,
                                    The Allan H. Meltzer University Professor of Political Economy,
                                    Carnegie Mellon University
                                    Pittsburgh, PA
                                    Mr. Chris Edwards, Director of Tax Policy Studies,
                                    Cato Institute
                                    Washington, DC                 
                                    Dr. Laurence Ball, Professor of Economics,
                                    Johns Hopkins University
                                    Baltimore, MD                   
WHEN:        10:00 a.m., Tuesday, September 20, 2011
WHERE:     210 Cannon House Office Building
Vice Chairman Kevin Brady presiding.

Archived Webcast

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