The Joint Economic Committee, chaired by Sen. Charles E. Schumer, released a series of snapshots that examine the impact of the worsening economy on women, Hispanics, Americans nearing retirement, African-Americans, and young families.  Each snapshot examines the current housing, jobs, wages, health care, and poverty data and their impact on these individual groups.  You can find state-by-state economic snapshots on our website that  were also recently updated.  "> Skip to main content

Young Workers and Their Families are Being Squeezed

The Joint Economic Committee, chaired by Sen. Charles E. Schumer, released a series of snapshots that examine the impact of the worsening economy on women, Hispanics, Americans nearing retirement, African-Americans, and young families.  Each snapshot examines the current housing, jobs, wages, health care, and poverty data and their impact on these individual groups.  You can find state-by-state economic snapshots on our website that  were also recently updated.