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To keep tabs on the current administration’s jobs numbers, a comparison between the April jobs report under President Trump and the average jobs report in the late 1990’s.

May 03 2017

The Retirement Crisis

Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a fact sheet today on the state of retirement in the United States as Republicans attempt to pass Congressional Review Act legislation making it harder for Americans to save for retirement. Far too many workers do not have access to a retirement savings plan through their employer and many earn too little to save. The fact sheet details that more than 30 percent of workers do not have access to retirement benefits through their employer, and nearly 70 percent of the lowest-paid workers do not have access to a retirement plan.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a fact sheet today on the state of retirement in the United States as Republicans attempt to pass Congressional Review Act legislation making it harder for Americans to save for retirement. Far too many workers do not have access to a retirement savings plan through their employer and many earn too little to save.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released three reports on the dangerous threats TrumpCare poses to Americans across the country. The findings in these reports conclude that the latest Republican bill would make it harder for rural Americans to obtain health insurance; cut funding used for the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs); and limit access to and increase costs for mental health services. The reports, “Rural Americans Lose Bigly Under TrumpCare,” “TrumpCare Undermines Fight Against Opioid Epidemic,” and “TrumpCare Reverses ACA Gains for Mental Health,” outline how millions of Americans would lose under TrumpCare.
Republicans are trying to revive a health care bill that would be a disaster for seniors, children, and millions of hard-working American families. What’s worse — the latest version of TrumpCare would take away protections from millions across the country with pre-existing conditions.
Republicans aren’t waiting for the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to tell the American people how TrumpCare is a disaster, but instead appear to be pushing ahead without a score. Without a CBO score, Americans won’t know just how bad TrumpCare could be for them.
April 29 marks the 100th day of the Trump presidency, an important benchmark for assessing the President’s productivity and ability to enact pieces of his campaign agenda. Rural Americans voted for President Trump believing in the promise that he will invest in and put their communities first. In his first 100 days President Trump has already broken the promise to help rural America. From his budget that cuts services rural communities rely on to TrumpCare, which disproportionately harms rural areas, President Trump has already broken faith with rural voters who have trusted him to improve their livelihoods and secure a more stable future.
April 29 marks the 100th day of the Trump presidency, an important benchmark for assessing president’s productivity and ability to enact pieces of their campaign agenda. On the campaign trail, candidate Trump promised to “Make America Great Again” and to stand up for working Americans. In his first 100 days, President Trump has already broken that promise, and instead is making things worse for working Americans. The administration has pursued a number of executive actions that are slowing down the growth potential of our economy and hurting American workers and families.