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The report, “Clean Energy, It’s Where the Jobs Are” highlights that 3.3 million Americans worked in the clean energy economy in 2016. It shows that renewable energy specifically now employs more than one in three Americans who work in electric generation and fuel production employment. Projections indicate that this is just the beginning and the transition to clean energy will create millions of additional jobs.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a new report today on the economic challenges in rural America. In recent years, rural and urban communities experienced developments in the U.S. economy in vastly different ways. Congress’s work on economic development, infrastructure, and education must tailor approaches to meet the unique challenges facing rural communities.
Congressional Republicans seem to have already forgotten the wreckage left in the wake of the financial bubble of the late 2000s. During the 2008 financial crisis and related recession, 8.7 million Americans lost their jobs, 3.8 million homes were foreclosed on, and households lost $17 trillion in wealth. As a result of Wall Street’s actions, the U.S. economy lost an estimated $7.6 trillion in goods and services from 2008 to 2018—lost output that Americans are still feeling today.
As women have entered the workforce and become breadwinners, access to affordable, high-quality child care has become an increasingly important part of a family’s economic success. High-quality early learning and care provide many benefits to families
House Republicans are hoping to overturn the financial safeguards put in place to prevent the next financial crisis and to protect consumers from the costs of reckless, abusive, and fraudulent behavior on Wall Street. Republicans’ proposal, the Financial CHOICE Act (Choice 2.0), is a wrong choice for America.
To keep tabs on the current administration’s jobs numbers, a comparison between the April jobs report under President Trump and the average jobs report in the late 1990’s.