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As Congress heads into a busy September, it must reauthorize funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) by the end of the month. Currently, CHIP provides health care to 8.9 million children, or 12 percent of all children nationally. In particular, children in rural areas depend on public insurance: 47 percent are on Medicaid or CHIP, compared to 38 percent of children in urban areas.
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program currently allows nearly 800,000 undocumented individuals to work and live in the United States. President Trump’s decision to end the program not only flies in the face of what the United States stands for, but kicks out important contributors to the economy, undermining recent economic progress.
While the American people have yet to see a real tax reform proposal from the Trump administration, even after the President’s tax rally in Missouri last week, the broad principles the administration outlined earlier this year makes clear who their policy will prioritize helping: millionaires and billionaires.

Sep 01 2017

On-Call, Without Pay

On-call scheduling also makes it more difficult to plan for child care, elder care, transportation and other arrangements that would allow employees to go to work while balancing their other responsibilities. Being required to call in an hour before their shift to see if they are needed prevents workers from doing anything else with their day, including furthering their education or seeking wages elsewhere.
Since taking office more than seven months ago, the Trump administration and Congressional Republicans have failed to provide a credible plan to create good paying jobs and increase wages for America’s workers—it is evident in the August economic snapshot of states. The economic uncertainty created and fueled by this administration’s unprecedented dysfunction, despite controlling two branches of government, is stalling what had been resurgent wage growth that reached 3.9 percent in November 2016 for the median U.S. worker.
To keep tabs on the current administration’s jobs numbers, a comparison between the August 2017 jobs report under President Trump and the average jobs report in the late 1990’s.
These fact sheets focus on the economic benefits of national monuments to their surrounding communities ahead of the Trump administration’s decision to propose removing designation in whole or in part from national monuments. The fact sheets include newly designated national monuments, marine national monuments, and others under review.
To keep tabs on the current administration’s jobs numbers, a comparison between the July 2017 jobs report under President Trump and the average jobs report in the late 1990’s.
Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a fact sheet on increasing access to registered apprenticeships and quality work-based learning programs. By doubling federal investments in apprenticeship programs, millions of Americans could fill the middle and high-skilled jobs openings that exist today and in the future. Despite their proven track record of success, only approximately 505,000 apprentices are utilizing existing Department of Labor registered programs today.
After the Senate voted down the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), President Trump said to “let ObamaCare implode, then deal” and threatened to end government payments to insurers that lower consumers’ out-of-pocket costs. For Congress to move forward from the July repeal process, the administration must stop trying to sabotage the health insurance market.