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Puerto Rico está retomando el camino hacia el crecimiento a pesar de los desafíos de las últimas dos décadas. Ahora hay una oportunidad para mantener e impulsar ese crecimiento a través de inversiones a gran escala en infraestructura crítica. El Congreso de los Estados Unidos ha destinado 12 mil millones de dólares en fondos de ayuda para reconstruir el sistema energético de Puerto Rico, incluyendo la modernización de la red eléctrica, en respuesta a la destrucción causada por múltiples desastres naturales. Estos fondos ofrecen una oportunidad para invertir en una red moderna que facilite la transmisión y distribución de energía renovable, así como en infraestructura de generación renovable. Un sistema energético más resistente que utilice fuentes más limpias y producidas localmente protegerá la salud y el bienestar de las comunidades, y proporcionará una base sólida sobre la cual Puerto Rico puede construir un crecimiento económico más fuerte y equitativo.
Puerto Rico is once again beginning a path to economic growth despite multiple challenges over the past two decades. There is now an opportunity to maintain and bolster that growth through large-scale investment in critical infrastructure. The U.S. Congress has appropriated $12 billion in relief funding to rebuild Puerto Rico’s energy system, including modernizing the energy grid, in response to the destruction that multiple natural disasters had caused. These funds offer an opportunity for investment in a modern grid that facilitates renewable energy transmission and distribution, as well as in renewable generation infrastructure. A more resilient energy system that uses cleaner, domestically produced sources will protect communities’ health and wellbeing, and provide a strong foundation on which Puerto Rico can further build a future of strong and more equitable economic growth.
Each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases national and state-level data on U.S. employment, which provide useful information about the state of the labor market and progress toward building a better America. To highlight key trends in the monthly data, the Joint Economic Committee compiles state-by-state fact sheets for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The most recent state-level data, which cover the month of October, were released on November 17, 2023. The latest national data were released on November 3, 2023.
Congressional Democrats and President Biden passed historic economic legislation that continues to lower costs, support jobs, and grow the economy across the country. The JEC Democratic staff has produced state and congressional district fact sheets on how Democrats are lowering the cost of prescription drugs and health insurance, spurring job growth across the country, and boosting investment in vital infrastructure and clean energy.
Las comunidades a lo largo de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México regularmente muestran su fortaleza y tenacidad, y merecen inversiones federales y empresariales que sean comparables con las inversiones hechas en otras regiones del país. La Comisión Regional de la Frontera Suroeste (SBRC, por sus siglas en inglés) es un potente instrumento para facilitar las inversiones federales y empresariales que puedan impulsar el crecimiento del empleo y el bienestar económico en la región.
Communities along the U.S.-Mexico border regularly demonstrate their strength and resilience, and they deserve federal and business investment that is equitable to other regions across the nation. The Southwest Border Regional Commission (SBRC) is a strong mechanism to facilitate federal and business investment that can spur job growth and economic prosperity in the region.