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Last year, Democrats took action to lower drug costs and bring down health insurance premiums by passing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). American households are already feeling the benefits by paying less, with additional savings coming in 2025 and beyond thanks to health policies passed by Democrats. Additional actions by drug companies—following the lead of Congress and President Biden—have also lowered prescription drug and medical device costs for even more Americans.
Each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releases national and state-level data on U.S. employment, which provide useful information about the state of the labor market and progress toward building a better America. The below map and chart created by the Joint Economic Committee highlight key trends in the most recent monthly data for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The most recent state-level data, which cover the month of March 2024, were released on April 19th, 2024. The latest national data were released on April 5th, 2024.
When families have access to affordable and reliable early childhood education (ECE) it can help make it possible for caregivers to work, afford necessities like groceries and rent, and save for retirement. ECE is commonly used to refer to both child care and pre-K focused on kids younger than age five. These programs can also help improve children’s academic outcomes and future job prospects. In addition, investing in ECE benefits teachers, businesses, and society as a whole. Unfortunately, investments in ECE are often deprioritized, with women and other caregivers paying the price. Addressing the funding shortfalls and widespread market failure requires government intervention.

The private ECE market cannot meet the needs of every family. That makes government funding for ECE programs essential for the United States to reap their maximum economic benefits. States like New Mexico are already leading the way in providing accessible child care and pre-K to every family, but federal funding is crucial to cutting the cost of care for families while maximizing economic returns to the country as a whole.
Heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) like large trucks, buses, and tractor trailers are an important mode of transportation for people and products throughout the United States, but they are also among the highest emitters of harmful pollution. Though only 1 in 10 on-road vehicles is an HDV, they account for over half of the particulate matter pollution produced by the vehicle transportation sector and a significant share of other harmful emissions.

This problem presents an important opportunity to invest in the health of our families, environment, and economy by replacing inefficient, high-polluting, diesel-powered HDVs with clean heavy-duty electric vehicles (HDEVs) throughout our transportation systems. States like California and New Mexico are already taking bold action by setting strong state-level regulations that support HDEVs, and Democrats in Congress and the Biden Administration have taken pivotal steps to accelerate HDEV adoption and strengthen charging infrastructure. The recently announced Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules for HDV emissions represent an important positive step towards bolstering our economy, public health, and environment. Quick implementation of these rules and other policies will benefit our communities and turbocharge the adoption of HDEVs.
Los Estados Unidos no tiene un problema de gastos excesivos; tiene un problema de ingresos insuficientes. Los recortes tributarios establecidos por los republicanos para beneficio de los ricos han reducido los ingresos y elevado la deuda nacional. A pesar de esto, los republicanos insisten en reducir aún más programas sociales esenciales, lo que dañaría a millones de estadounidenses y haría poco para restaurar el equilibrio fiscal del país.

Los Estados Unidos debe disminuir el déficit, pero no a expensas de los trabajadores estadunidenses. El déficit podría y debería reducirse eliminando las lagunas fiscales que favorecen a los más ricos y persiguiendo a evasores de impuestos, tanto individuos de alto patrimonio como grandes corporaciones--medios que requieren mantener el financiamiento del Servicio de Rentas Internas (IRS por sus siglas en inglés). El próximo año presenta una oportunidad crítica para que el Congreso encamine al país hacia una senda fiscal adecuada, permitiendo que caduquen ciertas disposiciones de la reforma tributaria republicana de 2017.