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August 2015: includes jobs and unemployment data through July2015

Click here for the Executive Summary

The U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee’s state-by-state economic snapshots provide easy access to the major economic indicators in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Key economic statistics for each state include:

  • Private-sector job growth since the recession
  • Unemployment rate changes
  • Average weekly earnings
  • State gross domestic product
  • Home prices
  • Export data

Click here for the full report, including the executive summary, state reports, additional charts and sources.

To view your state's snapshot report, click on the below links:

Click here to view the Post-9/11 and total veterans' unemployment rates by state.

Click here for a list of sources used to compile the state economic snapshots.

Click here for past state economic snapshot reports


 The Joint Economic Committee, established under the Employment Act of 1946, was created by Congress to review economic conditions and to analyze the effectiveness of economic policy.

This combined file contains graphics on the extent to which older Americans rely on Social Security for their income; on the share of private sector workers participating in retirement plans; on the number of Americans relying on Social Security; on the poverty rate of seniors; and on the Social Security trust fund balance.
Social Security has for decades been a crucial line of defense against poverty for millions of Americans. The program has succeeded because Congress actively amended Social Security as needed to continue ensuring its viability. Despite critics’ doomsday claims, Social Security has been a towering success. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Labor Secretary Frances Perkins envisioned the program as an opportunity to help Americans earn their own economic stability, and it has done so for 80 years.