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The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the employment situation for March 2016 on Friday, April 1, 2016.  The economy added 195,000 private-sector jobs in February and the unemployment rate was little changed at 5.0 percent.  See the press release for additional information.

Click to see these charts:

  1. Private Sector Job Growth Continues
  2. All Employment Growth has been Full-time Jobs
  3. Employment and Underemployment Rate have Declined Significantly from Recession Peak
  4. Declines in Short- and Long-term Unemployment
  5. Black vs. White Unemployment
  6. Hispanic Unemployment
  7. Veterans' Unemployment Rates
  8. Aging Trends Explain about 60% of Decline in Labor Force Participation Rate

Gross domestic product (GDP) data for the fourth quarter of 2015 (third estimate) were released on Friday, March 25, 2016.  Real GDP increased at an annual rate of 1.4 percent (revised up from 1.0 percent in the second estimate).

State unemployment rates for February were released on Friday, March 25, 2016.  The unemployment rate declined in 22 states in February.  The largest declines were in Tennessee (-0.5 percentage point), Nevada and Oregon (-0.3 percentage point each). There was no change in 20 states and the District of Columbia.  For more, see the State-by-State Snapshot.

Today marks the 6th anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  These reforms have helped 20 million people gain affordable and quality health care.  Driving this improvement are common-sense fixes to what was a broken system.  For instance, the ACA allows young people to stay on their parents’ plan until they are 26.  Another critical improvement is that people who have what the insurance industry calls a “pre-existing condition” no longer have to worry that they will be left without insurance and without recourse. 

See this op-ed for more on the success of the ACA.

State unemployment rates for January were released on Monday, March 14, 2016.  The unemployment rate declined in 28 states and the District of Columbia in January.  The largest over-the-month percentage decline in employment occurred in South Carolina, followed by Arkansas and Alabama.  See past State-by-State Snapshots.

New data were released by the Federal Reserve for the Financial Accounts of the United States on Thursday, March 10, 2016.  The net worth of households and nonprofits rose to $86.8 trillion during the fourth quarter of 2015.

New data were released by the Federal Reserve for the Financial Accounts of the United States on Thursday, March 10, 2016.  Household debt has been falling as a percentage of GDP since it recently peaked during the Great Recession.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the employment situation for February 2016 on Friday, March, 4, 2016.  The economy added 230,000 private-sector jobs in February and the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.9 percent.  See the press release for additional information. 

Click to see the following charts:

  1. Private Sector Job Growth Continues
  2. All Employment Growth has been Full-time Jobs
  3. Employment and Underemployment Rate have Declined Significantly from Recession Peak
  4. Declines in Short- and Long-term Unemployment
  5. Black vs. White Unemployment
  6. Hispanic Unemployment
  7. Veterans' Unemployment Rates
  8. Aging Trends Explain about 60% of Decline in Labor Force Participation Rate