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Press Releases

Today, U.S. Representative Marie Newman (D-IL-03) and Joint Economic Committee Chairman (JEC) Representative Don Beyer (D-VA-08) released their first-ever Worker’s Economy Report, a new shortcut guide designed to provide constituents with an understanding of America’s post-pandemic economy. Released quarterly, the new report examines how the passage of the American Rescue Plan coupled with the Biden Administration’s successful national vaccination campaign has created new jobs, boosted entrepreneurship, lifted up our restaurant industry, and driven down unemployment across the nation. These economic indicators demonstrate that our nation is on the right track to a worker’s economy in which growth is strong, stable, and sustained for every American.
Today, Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA), Chairman of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), released the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that nonfarm payroll employment increased by 943,000 in July and the unemployment rate was 5.4%. The unemployment rate was 8.2% for Black workers, 6.6% for Hispanic workers and 5.3% for Asian workers.
Today, Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA), Chair of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), released the Democratic response to the 2021 Economic Report of the President (the Report). The JEC is required by law to submit findings and recommendations in response to the Report, which is prepared and released each year by the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). This year’s report was published by the outgoing Trump administration in January 2021.
Today, Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA), Chairman of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), released the following statement after the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) reported its initial estimate of second quarter gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 6.5% on an annualized basis.
Amid a successful vaccination rollout and a strengthening economy, the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) and Chairman Don Beyer (D-VA) are elevating the evidence of economic progress and pushing back strongly against partisan attacks and misinformation. The economy is growing at a pace not seen in 30 years, unemployment is down, last month’s job growth exceeded expectations, and retail sales are above pre-pandemic levels, reflecting pent-up demand as people can safely resume more normal levels of economic activity.
Today, the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC)—led by Chairman Don Beyer (D-VA)—will hold a remote hearing titled “A Second Gilded Age: How Concentrated Corporate Power Undermines Shared Prosperity.” This hearing will examine the rise and concentration of corporate market power in the United States and how it harms consumers, workers and small businesses.

Jul 02 2021

Chairman Beyer Statement on June Jobs Report

“Jobs report underscores the significant progress we are making”

Today, Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA), Chairman of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), released the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that nonfarm payroll employment increased by 850,000 in June and the unemployment rate remained statistically unchanged at 5.9 percent. The number of people who reported that they weren't looking for work because of COVID fears declined by one million. The unemployment rate was 9.2 percent for Black workers and 7.4 percent for Hispanic workers.
Today, the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC)—led by Chairman Don Beyer (D-VA)—will hold a remote hearing titled “The Gender Wage Gap: Breaking Through Stalled Progress.” The hearing will explore how the gender wage gap is a systemic issue in the United States that deserves a comprehensive public policy solution.