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Sufficient Funding Needed to Collect Critical Labor Market Data

Maloney Endorses BLS Letter From 63 Economists

WASHINGTON – Joint Economic Committee Ranking Member Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.) Friday issued the following statement calling for adequate funding for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), an agency within the Department of Labor that collects detailed labor market data that is essential both to policymakers and the business community. Her comments reinforce the message of a recent letter by 63 well-known economists to the heads of House and Senate subcommittees that oversee funding for the BLS.   

“The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides detailed and impartial data that is essential to both business leaders and for policymakers. We cannot make good decisions without it. Past budget cuts were shortsighted and could have damaging effects on the economy. Members from both parties should recognize the wisdom of our nation’s leading economists who call for adequate funding for BLS.”

