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Ranking Member Maloney addresses the House regarding GOP inaction on the budget

Rep. Carolyn Maloney delivered this speech on the floor of the House on April 14, 2016

Tomorrow is April 15th, the deadline for passing a budget.  It’s clear that the Republicans are going to miss it.  From the start this process has been a travesty. 

Before President Obama even released his budget, Republicans announced that they would refuse to hold a hearing on it.  They rejected the President’s budget out of hand even before it was printed. A move unprecedented in this modern era. 

Then they passed out of committee a budget that would:

  • end the Medicare guarantee
  • take health care coverage away from 20 million Americans who received it under the Affordable Care Act
  • make deep cuts that harm children, students, seniors and hardworking Americans. 

Then the Tea Party wing of the GOP insisted on walking away from the bipartisan budget agreement inked just last fall.  So that brings us to today.  My Republican colleagues don’t seem to have a budget or a plan to move forward, the process has collapsed.  I urge my colleagues to start over, to work with Democrats, to craft a budget that invests in our future and meets the challenges facing our nation.

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