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JEC Chairman Heinrich Releases Response to the Economic Report of the President

Washington, D.C.—Today, Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Chairman of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), announced the release of the annual response to the Economic Report of the President. The JEC is required by law to submit findings and recommendations in response to the Report, which is prepared and released each year by the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). 

The response highlights record-breaking economic progress by Congressional Democrats and President Biden, and it lays out a path forward to lower costs for families, promote a sustainable economy, create strong career paths for all Americans, and invest in our children.

 Chairman Heinrich issued the following statement:

 “We have defied recession predictions. Under President Biden, the United States has experienced stronger than expected economic growth with over 15 million jobs added and 40 consecutive months of job growth. We must now build upon those successes with more forward-looking economic policies that continue to lower costs and support working families in every community. 

 “A successful economy is one where our children are safe, healthy, and educated; where workers can retire with peace of mind; and where entrepreneurs are empowered to start new businesses in their communities. I am optimistic about our ability to continue that work and deliver for American families.”

 The annual response to the report includes seven chapters:

  • Chapter 1: The Economy Continued to Expand at a Steady Pace, Creating Millions of Jobs Despite Price and Interest Rate Challenges
  • Chapter 2: Boosting U.S. Output and Innovation
  • Chapter 3: Climate Risks and Opportunities in the Energy Transition
  • Chapter 4: Creating Conditions for Equitable Growth
  • Chapter 5: Supporting Families Today While Investing in Tomorrow
  • Chapter 6: Supporting Workers and Taking on Corporate Power
  • Chapter 7: Rebuilding the American Dream and Enhancing Housing Affordability in the United States
