Economic Challenges in the Black Community, reinforce the fact that great disparity still exists in the distribution of this recovery. All working people should be paid a living wage and be given a fighting chance to improve their economic conditions. Passing the Raise the Wage Act would show hardworking Americans that Congress is fighting for them. No person working full time, year-round should live in poverty."

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Joint Economic Committee Ranking Democrat Carolyn B. Maloney Statement on April Employment Report

WASHINGTON– Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.), Ranking Democrat on the U.S. Congress's Joint Economic Committee (JEC), today released the following statement on the Department of Labor's announcement that the economy added 223,000 nonfarm jobs in April and the unemployment rate edged down to 5.4 percent. 

“April’s encouraging jobs report sets another record – the lowest unemployment rate in seven years. It was also the 62nd consecutive month that businesses added jobs—the longest streak on record. With the economy continuing to improve, Congress must not forget those who still aren’t feeling the effects of the recovery and work in a bipartisan fashion to ensure that all Americans benefit.

“The findings of a recent report by JEC Democrats titled, Economic Challenges in the Black Community, reinforce the fact that great disparity still exists in the distribution of this recovery. All working people should be paid a living wage and be given a fighting chance to improve their economic conditions. Passing the Raise the Wage Act would show hardworking Americans that Congress is fighting for them. No person working full time, year-round should live in poverty."