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Sen. Heinrich: Where’s Trump’s Infrastructure Plan?

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Ranking Member Martin Heinrich (D-NM) announced today the release of new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee Democrats underscoring the need for infrastructure overhaul after the American Society of Civil Engineers 2017 Infrastructure Report Card gave the United States a D+ rating. Despite assuring Americans in his recent address to Congress that he will address our country’s infrastructure needs, the Trump administration has delivered nothing but a broken promise to prioritize infrastructure.

After more than 50 days in office, President Trump has yet to put forth a real plan on infrastructure. Today’s fact sheet follows an analysis released by the American Society of Civil Engineers that estimates the United States will need an additional $2 trillion of investment above current spending levels by 2025 to restore the nation’s infrastructure to good condition. 

“We can’t wait any longer to do something about America’s infrastructure problem,” Senator Heinrich said. “Crumbling roads, unsafe bridges, contaminated drinking water and insufficient access to broadband are hurting U.S. competitiveness and slowing economic growth. President Trump promised action, but he hasn’t even lifted a finger on infrastructure. Unlike President Trump, we have put forward a plan that would transform the infrastructure landscape in America and create over 15 million jobs. We’re ready to pass it.”

The report can be found here.


 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.