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JEC Dems: We Must Expand Registered Apprenticeships

WASHINGTON, D.C.Today, Joint Economic Committee Democrats released a fact sheet on increasing access to registered apprenticeships and quality work-based learning programs. By doubling federal investments in apprenticeship programs, millions of Americans could fill the middle and high-skilled job openings that exist today and in the future. Despite their proven track record of success, only approximately 505,000 apprentices are utilizing existing Department of Labor registered programs today.

The fact sheet summarizes that in order to expand registered apprenticeships, the following steps should be taken:

  • Recognize that not all Americans are pursuing a college degree and need more options for pathways to successful careers.
  • Expand our existing apprenticeship programs into new, high-growth and in-demand fields to provide long-term job stability for apprentices of all ages.
  • Attract more businesses to participate in work-based learning programs and apprenticeships.

Click here to view the fact sheet online.

 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.