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JEC Chairman Casey’s Statement on November 2012 Employment Report

WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), released the following statement on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ November 2012 jobs report showing that 146,000 total nonfarm jobs were added and the unemployment rate declined to 7.7 percent:

“The economy has recorded private sector jobs growth for 33 consecutive months. While this trend represents progress, we must continue to work together to help businesses create jobs and lower the unemployment rate.

“The fiscal cliff threatens the progress we’ve made since the great recession. Yesterday’s dialogue at the JEC Hearing on the fiscal cliff reinforced the urgency to reduce the deficit while encouraging job creation and protecting middle income Americans. I urge Republicans and Democrats to work toward a balanced and bipartisan approach to achieve these goals.”
