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Statement from JEC Chairman Beyer on the House Approval of Budget Legislation

Today, Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA), Chairman of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee (JEC), issued the following statement following the House adoption of legislation that included a measure approving S. Con. Res. 14, a continuing budget resolution:

“Today’s House vote puts Congress one step closer to passing the Build Back Better Act, to put workers and families first. With this vote, the House is paving the way for groundbreaking investments that would deliver life-changing benefits for working families across the country.

“Now Congress can begin the work of writing historic legislation to invest in America’s workforce and build a stronger, more stable, and more equitable economy. Estimates of the macroeconomic impact find the investments proposed by the President would boost overall economic growth and add over 1.5 million jobs per year, on average, over the next ten years. Extending the enhanced Child Tax Credit, providing universal pre-K, and passing a federal paid leave program would reap dramatic benefits for the American people. The Build Back Better Act also provides the opportunity to take real action on the climate crisis by expanding clean energy, reducing emissions, and creating green jobs.

“The pandemic laid bare fragilities in our economy and in our society caused by pervasive economic and racial inequality. As our nation emerges from the greatest economic challenge we have faced since the Great Depression, today’s vote is a powerful step towards building back better."