Answering Misleading Claims about the Economy, to reflect the most recent economic data.

The report offers carefully researched and referenced answers to some of the most egregious statements made about the U.S. economy. For example, some have claimed that middle-class incomes are down under President Obama. The JEC report finds that real median household income is actually approximately $1,100 higher now than in President George W. Bush’s last year in office, and that it grew faster than any year on record in 2015. In response to the oft-repeated statement that the national debt has doubled under President Obama, the report finds that this is largely due to factors he inherited – the fallout from the Great Recession, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Bush tax cuts. Moreover, the national debt doubled under President Bush and it nearly tripled under President Reagan.

“Some of these claims are deliberately designed to mislead the public,” said JEC Ranking Member Carolyn Maloney (D-NY). “This does a disservice to the American people. Our report is an attempt to set the record straight.”

The JEC is making its report, Answering Misleading Claims about the Economy, available to the public and the media so those interested can have a reliable resource for evaluating statements made about the economy.


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Report Counters Misleading Claims about U.S. Economy

WASHINGTONIn response to misleading statements about the economy made by some public officials and others, the Democratic staff of Joint Economic Committee (JEC) has updated its report, Answering Misleading Claims about the Economy, to reflect the most recent economic data.

The report offers carefully researched and referenced answers to some of the most egregious statements made about the U.S. economy. For example, some have claimed that middle-class incomes are down under President Obama. The JEC report finds that real median household income is actually approximately $1,100 higher now than in President George W. Bush’s last year in office, and that it grew faster than any year on record in 2015. In response to the oft-repeated statement that the national debt has doubled under President Obama, the report finds that this is largely due to factors he inherited – the fallout from the Great Recession, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Bush tax cuts. Moreover, the national debt doubled under President Bush and it nearly tripled under President Reagan.

“Some of these claims are deliberately designed to mislead the public,” said JEC Ranking Member Carolyn Maloney (D-NY). “This does a disservice to the American people. Our report is an attempt to set the record straight.”

The JEC is making its report, Answering Misleading Claims about the Economy, available to the public and the media so those interested can have a reliable resource for evaluating statements made about the economy.
