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JEC Democrats Release Overview on CBO Score of TrumpCare Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Joint Economic Committee Democrats released an overview of today’s non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score of the Senate TrumpCare bill, which finds that 22 million people will lose insurance by 2026 compared with the current law. The summary explains what the CBO analysis of the Senate TrumpCare bill would mean for Medicaid enrollees, older and low-income Americans, and those with substance abuse disorders and pre-existing conditions.

The Senate TrumpCare bill cuts Medicaid by $772 billion by 2026 and estimates that there will be 15 million fewer Medicaid enrollees by 2026. There are expected losses in insurance that would disproportionally affect older people with lower incomes. The CBO score also shows that the bill would increase health care premiums by 20 percent in 2018.

“Today, the Congressional Budget Office confirmed just how ‘mean’ we knew this bill would be,” said U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, Ranking Member of the Joint Economic Committee. “It’s heartless, cruel, and now we know that it will strip 22 million people of their insurance in the first 10 years alone. The Senate TrumpCare bill poses a real threat to hardworking Americans—all while giving the wealthiest Americans massive tax breaks. American families do not deserve this disaster of a bill.”

Click here to view “CBO Explainer: Better Care Reconciliation Act.”

 For more information, please contact Latoya Veal at or 202-224-0379.