Washington, DC—Democratic Senators Robert Menendez and Bob Casey joined Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney at a press conference this morning to discuss the Labor Department’s release of its monthly jobs report and unemployment rate. This morning, the Labor Department reported that employers cut 598,000 jobs in January, the most since 1974, bringing the unemployment rate to 7.6 percent. Facing the most severe economic crisis in generations, Democrats are working quickly and responsibly to enact a bold plan that creates jobs and cuts taxes for the middle class.


“There is nothing more indicative of the economic condition of America’s families than how we are doing with respect to job creation and job losses,” Menendez said. “Today, the latest snapshot of our economic condition shows that more and more American families are falling on harder and harder times, plain and simple. We have to act on the economic recovery plan quickly because we are in a crisis, and we have a responsibility to the American people. It is our responsibility to enact a plan that is bold, fast-acting and effective enough that it gets people back to work, and does so in short order.”

Said Casey: "Today's report is the latest in a string of bad news for American workers. Years of bad policy during the Bush Administration has driven our economy off a cliff. We don't have time for endless debate and must act swiftly to enact a recovery package to create jobs and move our economy in the right direction."

“Today’s grim job loss numbers underscore the human toll of our economic crisis and add to the overwhelming evidence for getting a recovery package to the President’s desk fast,” Maloney said. “Even the bright spots are dim.  The 3.6 million jobs erased since the recession started, including 598,000 last month, is why President Obama and Congressional Democrats are dedicated to acting in a bold and targeted way to revitalize the economy.  We have a plan to create and save up to 4 million jobs while cutting taxes for middle class Americans.  Democrats have tried to work with Republicans to find middle ground, but so far House Republicans seem intent on letting the economy slide off a cliff for political gain.  Democrats must and will ensure that they don't take our country with them.”



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Maloney, Democratic Senators Discuss January Jobs Report

Washington, DC—Democratic Senators Robert Menendez and Bob Casey joined Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney at a press conference this morning to discuss the Labor Department’s release of its monthly jobs report and unemployment rate. This morning, the Labor Department reported that employers cut 598,000 jobs in January, the most since 1974, bringing the unemployment rate to 7.6 percent. Facing the most severe economic crisis in generations, Democrats are working quickly and responsibly to enact a bold plan that creates jobs and cuts taxes for the middle class.


“There is nothing more indicative of the economic condition of America’s families than how we are doing with respect to job creation and job losses,” Menendez said. “Today, the latest snapshot of our economic condition shows that more and more American families are falling on harder and harder times, plain and simple. We have to act on the economic recovery plan quickly because we are in a crisis, and we have a responsibility to the American people. It is our responsibility to enact a plan that is bold, fast-acting and effective enough that it gets people back to work, and does so in short order.”

Said Casey: "Today's report is the latest in a string of bad news for American workers. Years of bad policy during the Bush Administration has driven our economy off a cliff. We don't have time for endless debate and must act swiftly to enact a recovery package to create jobs and move our economy in the right direction."

“Today’s grim job loss numbers underscore the human toll of our economic crisis and add to the overwhelming evidence for getting a recovery package to the President’s desk fast,” Maloney said. “Even the bright spots are dim.  The 3.6 million jobs erased since the recession started, including 598,000 last month, is why President Obama and Congressional Democrats are dedicated to acting in a bold and targeted way to revitalize the economy.  We have a plan to create and save up to 4 million jobs while cutting taxes for middle class Americans.  Democrats have tried to work with Republicans to find middle ground, but so far House Republicans seem intent on letting the economy slide off a cliff for political gain.  Democrats must and will ensure that they don't take our country with them.”